Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE) <p><strong>Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE)</strong> publishes articles on education and learning in general. Contains articles / research results written by experts, scientists, practitioners, and reviewers in the field of education and learning.</p> <p>Some of <strong>Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE)</strong>: Education and learning theory and foundation, Education and learning philosophy, Education and learning technology, Education and learning media, Education evaluation, Education Management, Education and learning innovation, Education for all levels, Formal education, Informal education, Education non-formal, Rural education, Urban education, Education and learning curriculum, Educators and students, Education and learning policies, Learning methods and strategies, Learning assessment, socio-cultural, etc.</p> en-US (Editor INJOE) (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aslan, M.Pd.I) Tue, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION VALUES IN THE LOCAL WISDOM OF THE JAVANESE SEDEKAH BUMI TRADITION <p>The earth alms ceremony it self is a tradition carried out by Javanese people in the Cirebon, Indramayu and Brebes regions at the beginning of Muharram or Shura. The Earth Alms tradition is held as a form of gratitude to the Almighty Allah SWT who has provided a place to stand with all the abundant sustenance in the form of crops for human survival. Sedekah Bumi is generally held in public places that are considered sacred such as the courtyard of the mosque, village hall, or field.&nbsp; Values in life become the basis or reference in determining an action. Value has a positive connotation because value is something that is used as a basis and agreed upon and has a positive impact on both self and others such as the value of honesty, responsibility, helping and other values. This type of research uses a qualitative approach in the form of an analytical descriptive method or research supported by data obtained from field research.</p> Bambang Yuniarto , Rizqo Anis Safitri, Asep Palahu Rijal, Andriana Andriana, Saffiyah Ummu Zainab Copyright (c) 2023 Bambang Yuniarto , Rizqo Anis Safitri, Asep Palahu Rijal, Andriana Andriana, Saffiyah Ummu Zainab Tue, 12 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) IN STUDY IN MADRASAH: A CRITICAL REVIEW <p>Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in madrasah education, with emphasis on a careful balance between the potential and challenges emerging from the use of technology. The potential advances of ICT in developing educational practices in the madrasah have gained widespread recognition, promising increased accessibility to a variety of resources as well as pedagogical differentiation capable of adapting to the individual learning needs of students. The method of research carried out in this research is literature by searching for literature that fits the context of the research. The results of the research show that ICT has offered to educational institutions that are not only public schools but also madrasas, but such developments not only integrate Islamic values of literacy but require dealing with infrastructure deficits, improving the capacity of educators, as well as formulating comprehensive policies that support the use of safe and effective technology in educational environments.</p> Ratu Amalia Hayani, Maemunah, Nanah Sujanah, Mohammad Ahmad Bani Amer Copyright (c) 2024 Ratu Amalia Hayani, Maemunah, Nanah Sujanah, Mohammad Ahmad Bani Amer Sat, 09 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ISLAMIC EDUCATION LEADERSHIP: STUDY ON MADRASAH MANAGEMENT IN INDONESIA <p>Islamic Education Management offers about the important study of Madrasah's leadership in Indonesia related to the application of Islamic education principles in managerial practice. Through the analysis of a holistic leadership role that covers professional, ethical, and spiritual aspects applied in Madrasah so that Islamic values can reflect and influence educational management strategies. The research method used is the study of literature by looking for literature in accordance with the context of the research discussed. The results show that the dynamics of Islamic education leadership, including the interaction between traditional and modern values, the application of democratic strategies in decision-making, as well as the implications of these practices for the formation of institutional identities and integrative learning experiences. The research also contributes to the education management literature by identifying key factors that can improve the effectiveness of Madrasah's leadership and suggest practical implications for the development of education policy.</p> Marzuki, Yadi Suryadi, Komari, Iyad Abdallah Al- Shreifeen Copyright (c) 2024 Marzuki, Yadi Suryadi, Komari, Iyad Abdallah Al- Shreifeen Sun, 10 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION OF BLOCKCHAIN-BASED E-LEARNING PLATFORMS TO IMPROVE DATA SECURITY <p>In the industrial era 4.0 with advances in technology and information, e-Learning refers more to distance learning-based learning involving internet networks. E-learning allows flexibility and effectiveness in the learning process. Even while the internet has made it possible to rapidly and readily find knowledge, there are still some things that could be harmful, such security flaws in e-learning platforms. Blockchain is a computer database that electronically saves data in an electronic manner. Blockchain technology has a big impact on data security and industry. Blockchain technology is a mechanism that makes it possible to validate digital transactions securely and decentralized. The literature study approach was used to conduct the research. The idea of e-learning and how it developed, data security issues in e-learning, the fundamentals of blockchain technology, the use of blockchain-based e-learning platforms, and an assessment of the effect of employing blockchain on data security are all covered in this study.</p> Guntur Arie Wibowo, Nukman, Arnes Yuli Vandika Copyright (c) 2024 Guntur Arie Wibowo, Nukman, Arnes Yuli Vandika Sun, 10 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT IN MUSIC LEARNING <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze and know how and what is related to the title of Authentic Assessment in Music Learning. This research method This form of research is qualitative with descriptive and critical analysis. Therefore, the author can elaborate comprehensively how Authentic Assessment In Music Learning. In this study, the author optimally used two data sources related to this study, namely. Primary data sources and secondary data sources. The main sources of this research are books and scientific journals on Authentic Assessment. The result of this study is that practical music education is an innovative method that needs to be further developed, considering the practical aspects that characterize art education in schools. As they create their pieces, students develop their musical skills and creativity, allowing them to collaborate in groups to create unique pieces of music. This "musical" music learning seems to be an answer to the tendency of music learning that is theoretical and linguistic that only prioritizes cognitive aspects.</p> Irwan , Yusnelli, Nofridayati, Iswandi, Nursyirwan, Delfi Enida Copyright (c) 2024 Irwan , Yusnelli, Nofridayati, Iswandi, Nursyirwan, Delfi Enida Mon, 11 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 INTEGRATION OF ISLAMIC VALUES IN SCIENCE LEARNING IN MADRASAH <p>The integration of Islamic values into science learning in the madrasah has a significant impact on students' education and understanding. This integration helps students develop a holistic understanding of the relationship between science and religion, as well as shaping Islamic attitudes and values in the study of science. Moreover, this integration also promotes critical thinking, increases learning motivation, and addresses the potential conflict between Science and Religion. It has a positive impact on science learning in the madrasah, enriching students' understanding of the world and enhancing their moral and spiritual development.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Firmansyah, Fadlullah, Yesi Purwaningatmaja Copyright (c) 2024 Firmansyah, Fadlullah, Yesi Purwaningatmaja Sat, 16 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 COMPARISON OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF MADRASAH STUDENTS AND GENERAL SCHOOLS: EMPIRICAL STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF THE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT IN MADRASHA ON THE EMOTIONAL SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS <p>Madrasah and public schools are educational institutions that both provide education to students, but on the other side there are differences. From such differences to display different patterns of academic achievement and social emotional development of students. The methods used in this study are literature by searching for literature that fits the context of the research. Studies have shown that the learning environment in madrasas and schools can influence the development of social and emotional competence of students. Madrasas because they are supported by religious values and ethical norms have been shown to have a positive influence on the ability of students in managing emotions, building healthy relationships, setting goals, and making decisions in their lives. Thus, both institutions should pay attention to the quality of the learning environment and the social environment to ensure that the development of such competences takes place well. One of the things that can be done is to strengthen the social and emotional curriculum in education, to train teachers on appropriate learning approaches to develop students' social and Emotional Skills, and to build an environment that supports the development of such Skills.</p> Supian Ramli, Komari Komari, Taswiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Supian Ramli, Komari Komari, Taswiyah Sun, 17 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE INTERSECTIONALITY OF PROJECT-BASED LEARNING, SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS, AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: A MULTIFACETED ANALYSIS <p>This study explored the intersectionality of project-based learning (PBL), socioeconomic status (SES), and academic achievement through a multifaceted analysis. Quantitative analysis examined correlations between PBL implementation, SES indicators, and academic outcomes, revealing a positive association between PBL and improved achievement, particularly among students from lower SES backgrounds. Qualitative insights enriched understanding by highlighting challenges and opportunities of PBL across diverse socioeconomic contexts, emphasizing the role of family background and community support. Integration of quantitative and qualitative findings underscored the complex interplay between PBL, SES, and academic success, revealing convergent patterns and divergent perspectives. Implications for educational policy and practice were discussed, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions to address systemic inequalities and promote equitable access to quality education. Future research directions were also identified to further elucidate the dynamics of PBL, SES, and academic achievement. Overall, this study contributes to advancing knowledge on educational equity and student success, highlighting the potential of PBL as a tool for fostering inclusive learning environments.</p> Trubus Semiaji, Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Abdurohim Copyright (c) 2024 Trubus Semiaji, Sri Rahayu Pudjiastuti, Abdurohim Tue, 19 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE SCHOOL'S EFFORTS IN BECOMING AN INVOLVED PARTY IN THE SOCIALIZATION OF STUDENT CHARACTER FORMATION <p>This literature review aims to look at the school's efforts to become a party involved in the socialization of student character formation. Schools are formal educational institutions where learning and teaching activities take place where children of the same age will interact and socialize with each other so that schools also act as agents of socialization. School is a socialization agent that enables an individual to be able to socialize in a wider environment, namely in the community. The efforts made by the school as a party involved in socialization in forming students' character include instilling a disciplined attitude, forming attachments to social groups, and fostering autonomy. Moral discipline really determines the character and personality of students in general. In fostering a disciplined attitude, schools implement rules and regulations with the aim of making students more disciplined, orderly, ethical, and forming student character. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced by schools in forming student character are obstacles that originate from within the student, obstacles that originate from the family environment, and obstacles that originate from peers.</p> Dina Destari Copyright (c) 2024 Dina Destari Thu, 21 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMIZATION OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING MEDIA USAGE IN MADRASAH <p>Students should be motivated to actively participate in the learning process and be given many opportunities for initiative, creativity, and independence based on their interests and talents. The learning process should be dynamic, motivating, enjoyable, and challenging. An educational strategy known as interactive learning media blends technology with engaged student participation. It involves the use of various tools and platforms such as educational software, apps, learning videos, educational games, and online learning platforms. With this media, students at madrasas can actively participate in their learning, explore information, and collaborate with peers. The research was carried out using the literature study method. A literature review was used to collect data and information related to optimizing the use of interactive learning media in madrasas. This research discusses the definition, model, advantages and disadvantages, influence or impact of using interactive learning media in madrasas.</p> Hosaini, Haya, Abdul Halim Copyright (c) 2024 Hosaini, Haya, Abdul Halim Thu, 21 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 APPLICATIONS OF MACHINE LEARNING IN DIAGNOSTICS AND SPECIAL EDUCATION INTERVENTIONS <p>Special education is a basic right for children with special needs. In the technological era, machine learning plays an important role in supporting the education of these children by providing personalized learning, early detection of disorders, assisting communication, and training life skills. With joint efforts, we can create special educational environments that support optimal development for all children, including those with special needs. The importance of special education cannot be ignored and machine learning is emerging as a powerful ally in providing an approach tailored to the needs of each child. Machine Learning can customize curriculum, monitor progress, and provide real-time feedback. This helps create a more personalized and effective learning experience. The literature study approach was used to conduct the research. Data and information about the use of machine learning in special education diagnosis and interventions were gathered through a review of the literature. The concept of special education, issues with diagnosis and intervention in special education, the use of technology in education, the introduction and application of machine learning in the field of education, and the advantages and difficulties of implementing machine learning in special education are all covered in this research.</p> Alim Hardiansyah, Ardiyanto Saleh Modjo, Arnes Yuli Vandika Copyright (c) 2024 Alim Hardiansyah, Ardiyanto Saleh Modjo, Arnes Yuli Vandika Fri, 22 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMIZING THE APPLICATION OF STUDENT CHARACTERS IN LEARNING SOCIAL SCIENCES <p>This literature review aims to look at optimizing the application of student character in social studies learning. Social studies learning has an important role in forming student character. Students who have mental strength and good morals will certainly be able to have a personality with character. This can differentiate him from other students. Social studies learning in forming students' character is certainly not an easy thing, it requires continuous struggle to produce results that are in line with national education goals. One of the main objectives of social studies learning in schools is to be responsible for building students' character to become good and useful citizens. Social studies education is actually very closely related to character education. This can be seen from the formulation and objectives, that character education or values ​​education also aims to make students become good citizens. Social studies learning has similarities with character education in that both have the aim of making students good citizens, concerned about existing social and environmental problems, and also both have a high sense of nationality.</p> Dewi Sri Wahyuni, Indah Suciati, Nasim Taha Copyright (c) 2024 Dewi Sri Wahyuni, Indah Suciati, Nasim Taha Sat, 23 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 AUGMENTED REALITY TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION: A LITERARY STUDY ON SCIENCE LEARNING <p>In the study of literature on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in science learning, some important conclusions were found. The use of AR in science learning can improve student understanding of concepts, student involvement, critical thinking skills, and student information retention. The visual and sensory experiences provided by AR help students visualize complex concept, increase their motivation in learning, and strengthen their understanding of science concepts studied. However, it is important to continue doing further research to understand the impact of AR on student learning performance and how to effectively integrate this technology into student learning experiences. These conclusions may vary depending on the context and characteristics of different students, so the use of AR should be tailored to students' needs and follow the best guidelines.</p> Kasmudin Mustapa, Nanda Aprilia Lampasio, Zaenab Copyright (c) 2024 Kasmudin Mustapa, Nanda Aprilia Lampasio, Zaenab Sat, 23 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 USING NEURAL COLLABORATIVE FILTERING TO PERSONALIZE ONLINE LEARNING CONTENT <p>Personalization of learning is a strategy used to determine the characteristics of learners so they can learn effectively. There are many approaches that can be taken to personalize learning. This system for personalizing learning content in the form of recommendations for online learning content was built using the Neural Collaborative Filtering method and utilizes a collection of implicit feedback data taken from student activity records when interacting with online learning content as reference data to produce recommendations. The design of a learning content personalization system in the form of recommendations on online learning content for students using the Neural Collaborative Filtering method has been successfully built and can run well in online learning content. The literature study approach was used to conduct the research. Data and relevant information were gathered through a review of the literature using Neural Collaborative Filtering to personalize online learning content. This research discusses traditional methods in personalizing online learning content, Neural Collaborative Filtering, relevant previous research, and the implementation of Neural Collaborative Filtering in online learning content.</p> Novianty Djafri, Kasmudin Mustapa, Arnes Yuli Vandika Copyright (c) 2024 Novianty Djafri, Kasmudin Mustapa, Arnes Yuli Vandika Sat, 23 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE QUESTION AND ANSWER METHOD IN LEARNING SOCIAL SCIENCES IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS <p>This literature review explains the implementation of the question and answer method in social science learning in elementary schools. The question and answer method is a teaching method that allows dialogue between the teacher and students, the teacher asks and the students answer or vice versa, the students ask and the teacher answers. In social studies learning, it is hoped that students will not only be able to master social studies theories in social life, but also be able to live real life in society as social people in an adult and wise manner, therefore the question and answer method is one method that is suitable to be applied. By implementing the question and answer method in teaching and learning, it is hoped that there will be reciprocity between teachers and students. The class atmosphere will be looser than teaching that uses the lecture method. Students have had the opportunity to participate, although it is still very limited. However, class conditions appear to be more lively and the subject matter discussed is developing more dynamically, because the teacher and students are both active, students are given the opportunity to express their opinions related to the subject of discussion.</p> Putu Satya Narayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Putu Satya Narayanti Sun, 24 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMIZING THE ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN MADRASAH: TOWARDS A MODERN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION <p>The use of technology in madrasas can bring many benefits, including improving access to education, improving the quality of learning, facilitating communication, and improving administrative efficiency. However, there are also challenges to overcome, such as the availability of adequate infrastructure and resources, the training and understanding of teachers, security and privacy concerns, and compliance with existing religious curricula. By addressing these challenges, the madrasah can optimize the use of technology in religious education. This can lead to improvements in the quality of education, student capacity, and learning experience in the Madrasah. Nevertheless, it is important to ensure that the application of technology at the matrasah is consistent with the sacred principles of religious teaching, so that technology can be a tool that supports and enriches religious learning. Thus, overall, the optimization of technology can produce modern, relevant, and high-quality religion education for the students.</p> Ahmad Kudori, Muslimin, Halimatus Sa'diyah Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Kudori, Muslimin, Halimatus Sa'diyah Mon, 25 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYZING THE SYNERGY BETWEEN PROJECT-BASED LEARNING, ECONOMIC DYNAMICS, AND MARKETING TRIUMPH: A HOLISTIC INVESTIGATION <p>This comprehensive investigation provides an in-depth analysis of the complex and symbiotic relationship between project-based learning (PBL), economic dynamics, and marketing triumph. Utilizing a thorough literature review approach, we delve into the multifaceted impacts of PBL, exploring its ability to cultivate critical thinking, collaboration, and practical application of knowledge among learners. Furthermore, we meticulously examine how economic factors intricately influence educational outcomes and market strategies, shedding light on the pervasive role of socioeconomic disparities and consumer behavior in shaping educational and business landscapes. Additionally, our study delves into the nuanced mechanisms through which marketing initiatives capitalize on economic insights to effectively drive brand loyalty and revenue growth. Through a synthesis of insights drawn from diverse academic disciplines, this research elucidates the intricate interconnectedness of PBL, economic dynamics, and marketing success. By offering actionable insights and practical recommendations, our findings aim to empower educators, policymakers, and businesses to navigate the complexities of contemporary environments with a focus on fostering innovation and sustainable growth.</p> Iis Surgawati, Iwan Ridwan Paturochman, Abdul Wahab Syakhrani Copyright (c) 2024 Iis Surgawati, Iwan Ridwan Paturochman, Abdul Wahab Syakhrani Tue, 26 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DEVELOPMENT OF A PARTICIPATORY LEARNING MODEL TO INCREASE INTEREST IN LEARNING SOCIAL SCIENCES <p>This literature review discusses the development of a participatory learning model to increase interest in learning social sciences. Participatory learning activities as a new model in the educational process emerged in higher education units in the seventies and are flexible and open to further development. This characteristic is an opportunity for students to strive to develop principles, methods and techniques that are suitable for use in participatory learning. Participatory learning is expected to be able to increase students' involvement in the learning process, students are given the freedom and breadth to develop their potential. This is to increase student interest in learning and student activity in learning. So that students will understand and apply it in everyday life and can have implications for increasing students' interest in learning in Social Sciences subjects. In this learning, principles are used, namely based on learning needs, oriented to the goals of learning activities, based on experience, centered on learning citizens. Efforts to implement participatory learning can be emphasized by emphasizing the role of education to help students carry out active and participatory learning activities in Social Sciences lessons.</p> Miftachul Amri Copyright (c) 2024 Miftachul Amri Tue, 26 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 BUILDING CHARACTER EDUCATION PERSPECTIVE OF MORAL EDUCATION IN MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH <p>This literature review explains how to build character education from a moral education perspective in madrasah ibtidaiyah. Character education is one of the fundamental efforts in creating learning situations that meet students' self-development needs in learning interactions designed to form students with character. Meanwhile, moral education is very important in forming morals in students. With moral education in the form of activities that have the value of worship implemented in schools, students are accustomed to carrying out good deeds towards God and fellow humans. Character development is an important part of the Islamic education approach. Character education must combine all aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor student development into one complete and inseparable unit when applied in madrsah ibtidaiyah. It will be difficult to practice character education if one of these three development aspects is missing. The aim is to shape a person's personality so that it shows superior qualities such as honesty, kindness, responsibility, respect for others, fairness, non-discrimination, hard work, and so on.</p> Bahrul Ulum, Siti Aisyah Hanim Copyright (c) 2024 Bahrul Ulum, Siti Aisyah Hanim Thu, 28 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EFFECTIVENESS OF ONLINE LEARNING AND FACE-TO-FACE LEARNING ON STUDENTS <p>The degree to which learning outcomes are attained during the teaching and learning process is demonstrated by the condition of learning effectiveness. Online learning uses the internet network to facilitate learning without requiring students and teachers to interact face-to-face. According to the research findings, there was little difference in the learning outcomes of students before and during the epidemic. This demonstrates that studying through WhatsApp and Google Classroom is thought to be highly successful. Learning both in person and online is a topic that is frequently debated. not just with pupils but also with parents. A lot of people search for the best learning experience by comparing the two learning systems. While some believe that face-to-face communication is superior, others believe that online communication is superior. It's critical to understand the benefits and drawbacks of each approach since they each have unique advantages and downsides. The literature study method is being used in this investigation. Definitions of online and in-person learning, benefits of both types of learning, and distinctions and parallels between online and in-person teaching approaches are all covered in this study.</p> Dolfina Costansah Koirewoa, Didik Cahyono, Erwin Copyright (c) 2024 Dolfina Costansah Koirewoa, Didik Cahyono, Erwin Sat, 30 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ANALYSIS OF SENTIMENS IN ONLINE DISCUSSION FORUMS AS A TOOL TO IMPROVE SCHOOLER COMPATIBILITY IN DISTANCE LEARNING <p>This research aims to analyze the use of sentimental analysis in online discussion forums in the context of distance learning. This research method is literary research, in which we review publications and previous research in this field. The results of the study show that sentimental analysis can be used effectively in analyzing student responses to distance learning through online discussion forums. In some studies, it has been found that sentiment analysis can help in measuring student involvement, identifying student needs, and evaluating the effectiveness of teaching. The use of sentiment analysis has successfully improved the quality of student interaction and provided educators with a better understanding of student needs. Moreover, sentimental analysis can also help in assessing the efficiency of the teaching methods used, so that educators can take necessary corrective action.</p> Yulian Purnama, Fathoni Mahardika, Cynthia Petra Haumahu Copyright (c) 2024 Yulian Purnama, Fathoni Mahardika, Cynthia Petra Haumahu Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0000 EVALUATION OF IMPLEMENTATION OF INTEGRATED THEMATIC LEARNING IN ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION <p>The study aims to evaluate the implementation of integrated thematic learning in Islamic religious education. The method used is the study of literature towards research relevant to the topic. The results show that integrated thematic learning in Islamic education enables students to comprehend Islamic teachings holistically and in the context of everyday life. Evaluation of implementation of integrated theme learning is carried out through assessment of the completeness of the learning plan, teacher's ability to integrate materials, and student learning outcomes. This evaluation can be used as a basis for future development and improvement of learning. The research also identifies the need for further research and development of the integrated tematic learning model in the education of Islamic religion.</p> Masrifa Hidayani Copyright (c) 2024 Masrifa Hidayani Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY IN LEARNING IN MADRASAH: TOWARDS THE DIGITAL AGE <p>Madrasas have a crucial role in providing a strong foundation for individual development and societal progress. Madrasas have an important role in teaching critical skills and information literacy. In this digital age, information is abundant and easily accessible to anyone. Madrasas in the digital age must encourage creativity and collaboration. Optimizing learning by integrating technology is something that millennial teachers hope to implement. By utilizing information technology and integrating it in learning, it will make it easier for teachers to convey knowledge. Apart from that, learning can be more fun and interactive. In facing the challenges of the digital age, madrasas have an important role in preparing future generations and fueling the spirit of innovation. One of the main challenges facing madrasas in the digital age is the digital divide among students. Not all students have access to the necessary technology or internet connection outside the madrasah environment. This research is a library study research, by looking at literary sources, books, notes, and various reports related to the problem to be solved. This research discusses the importance of integrating technology in education, the challenges faced by madrasas in adopting technology for learning, and the importance of facing the digital age in madrasas.</p> Mukti Ali, M. Anwar Aini, Sitti Nur Alam Copyright (c) 2024 Mukti Ali, M. Anwar Aini, Sitti Nur Alam Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 THE METHOD OF LEARNING THE QUR'AN ADDRESSES THE INTENSIFICATION OF EMOTIONAL EXCITEMENT IN SCHOOL <p>Through the Quran, students have the opportunity to develop better self-awareness, emotional adjustment, motivation, empathy, and social skills. The method of research used is literature by searching for literature sources related to the context of research. The findings of the research show that the quran Hafalan performed by students can also bring other benefits such as moral and spiritual improvement, as well as a deep understanding of the teachings of Islam. However, it is important to consider that the development of emotional intelligence involves a variety of factors, including the environment, education, and personal experience.</p> Syatria Adymas Pranajaya, Wardatul Ilmiah, Abdul Wahab Syakhrani Copyright (c) 2024 Syatria Adymas Pranajaya, Wardatul Ilmiah, Abdul Wahab Syakhrani Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHER TEACHING SKILLS IN CLASSROOM LEARNING <p>Basic teaching skills are an important aspect that teachers must have in order to carry out their role in managing the learning process. Competent teachers will be better able to create an effective learning environment and be able to manage their classes, so that student learning outcomes can be achieved optimally. A teacher in learning must have basic teaching skills, namely in the initial/opening activities, core activities, and closing activities. These three activities are the main activities and must be carried out in learning. In connection with research regarding teachers' teaching skills, the material for measuring the basic skills of implementing learning was observed by researchers through observation sheets. Increasing teacher efforts can be done by broadening horizons, developing the learning environment, utilizing various learning resources, and providing rewards as teacher appreciation for students' enthusiasm for learning. The teacher's skill in carrying out learning from start to finish can make students happier participating in learning activities.</p> Yosep Heristyo Endro Baruno, Yosua Padama Copyright (c) 2024 Yosep Heristyo Endro Baruno, Yosua Padama Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OPTIMIZE TEXTILE BOOK RECOMMENDATION SYSTEM USING DEEP LEARNING ALGORITHMS <p>The research aims to optimize the recommendation system for textile books by applying deep learning algorithms. The textile industry, rich in content and material variation, requires a system of recommendations that can accurately accommodate the diverse needs of its users. Deep learning, with its sophistication in processing large and complex data, offers solutions in improving the quality of recommendations. The study explores the use of deep learning models in interpreting user preferences and book characteristics, with the hope of producing more relevant and personal predictions. Research methods that literature conducts systematically through the collection of data from scientific sources such as journals, conferences, and related articles published in the last decade. The results show that deep learning algorithms such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) have been successfully applied in improving the accuracy of book recommendation systems, including in textile contexts. These models are able to understand and process textile information and user preferences more deeply than traditional algorithms. The research also revealed important factors that influence model performance, such as data quantity and quality, model architecture, and parameter setting. Although there are limitations associated with resource use and the need for large datasets, the use of deep learning algorithms in recommendation systems for textile books shows significant potential in improving personalization and user satisfaction.</p> Sitti Nur Alam, Asep Saeppani, Iwan Setiawan Copyright (c) 2024 Sitti Nur Alam, Asep Saeppani, Iwan Setiawan Sun, 07 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000